Independent Advisors

Meryem Gurel
Independent Advisor
An entrepreneur, Founder & CEO of Point Energy Intelligence Services (PEIS), Turkey
CGM Power Group Limited – Project Support, Europe, Asia & Middle East
She serves as member of International Sustainable Development Resource Center (ISDRC) Headquartered in Switzerland and a Network Manager in Turkiye based Logifem Society Network. An interdisciplinary expert in economics, policy and security, she has been a resource in introducing and creating visibility for CGM Power Group Limited’s Zambia based Scaling PV Solar renewable energy investment to prospective investors in the Middle East and Turkiye. Through participation in events such as the International Conference on Sustainable Development covering sustainable energy issues at the 2022 and 2023 events respectively, CGM took recognition of her advice to United Nations survey in energy matters.
A PhD student in Political Science as interdisciplinary field, she has publications of articles and due to publish her first book on China`s investments and China EU international relations in the context of Belt and Road Initiative. She also offers mentorships through Women in Economics Initiative (WEI) out of Berlin in Germany.

Independent Advisor
Corporate Lawyer | Project Manager | Business Development & Legal Consultant